Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ritika: "Mmmmiami"

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I must be a man because our culinary tour definitely swept me off my feet.

Despite eating vegetarian substitutes because Cubans love their meat, I had plenty of delicious dishes. Starting with plantains and yucca it was a whole new experience. Fresh guava pastries satisfied my sweet tooth, but I knew it was love when they poured us colladas. Sweet-brewed espresso shots quelled my caffeine cravings for hours.

We spent the rest of the day exploring Calle ocho, but I felt we were prying when we entered Domino park. Domino, as we learned, is a very popular game among Cubans and this park was established especially for those over age 55 to play. It’s a great idea, don't get me wrong, but walking in as a group of 11, all of us clearly much younger than 55, felt uncomfortable. I didn't want to intrude on the gentlemen's afternoon because they aren't a spectacle for tourists. I made an effort to smile and say "Hola," but I felt relieved when we left the park.

I think the best way to experience a culture is through food, everybody eats and everybody loves to share food, (okay maybe not everybody). Hospitality is the common thread among cultures everywhere. What you eat says a lot, not only about you or your upbringing, but also about the community and the climate that you are from. It's a scrumptious introduction without the intrusion, everybody's full and happy.

We even got ice cream on the tour from a famous shop called Azucar, named for a famous dancer. If you ever get to go, sample everything you’ve never heard, then get a cone of the Abuela Maria. You won’t be disappointed.

Sorry to leave you hungry,


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