Friday, May 30, 2014

Brenda: "I am a Human Being; Nothing Human can be Alien to Me"

"I am a human being; nothing human can be alien to me."

Maya Angelou's words kept running through my mind as I did final preparations for our journey (buying necessities, figuring out how to pack under the weight limit, making sure I did not forget my driver's license, and the other minutiae necessary for a successful trip). I felt anxiety for the airport (after childhood the excitement and whimsy of the airport has been replaced with the dread of bureaucracy) and nervousness about meeting new people at Unidad Miami (I always have felt nervous when meeting new people).

Upon reflecting on my anxiety I felt as though some of it was warranted; I once caught a flight right before boarding ended and on another journey my luggage was lost so my worry about airports had a historical basis. However, some of my anxiety had a base of fear – fear that I would not be liked, fear that I would not be effective, fear that I would get physically lost, and fear that I would get lost in translation when speaking Spanish. The common thread was a fear of failure, but as Maya Angelou succinctly encompassed with her words, failure is a part of the human experience, as is fear, and joy.

As I remembered what I had forgotten to pack as we neared the airport, I reminded myself that what matters in failure is how one recovers from those moments. In the case of when my luggage went missing, I resolved to always travel with a well-packed carry-on.  I also decided to focus on my positive emotions, namely the excitement I felt for exploring a city that I have only read about, reuniting with the other participants of Duke Engage Miami to share this journey, and for the new relationships that will form at Unidad Miami.  The Duke Engage motto is "Challenge yourself. Change your world" - I think we will also experience internal changes as we navigate this new terrain and overcome any setbacks,  so let the changes within ourselves and the  challenges begin! 

-Brenda Onyango 

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